Kinds of Assistance Do Older Adults Require Most Frequently

What Kinds of Assistance Do Aging Adults Require Most Frequently?

Life as a senior involves many challenges. As your senior loved one ages, he or she might no longer be able to prepare favourite recipes. Or your loved one may be unable to find his or her way back home if he or she gets lost. Figuring out how to help your loved one can sometimes require some deep thought. However, making sure your loved one has these needs met is a great place to start.

Safety & Security

When your loved one was younger, safety around the house likely meant making sure the doors were locked. Now, you might be afraid of what could happen if your loved one forgets to turn the stove off. All seniors should be provided with safe environments once they reach the point of being unable to look after their needs themselves.

Getting Essential Needs Met

There’s also the basic physical needs such as food, personal hygiene, and health care. Your loved one might need to spend time at a respite facility on days when you can’t help out with lunch or dinner. You can also check into transportation to make sure your loved one makes it to medical appointments.Edmonton respite care experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and other appointments, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to thrive.

Close Social Ties

Spending long days alone at home can make anyone feel lonely. On top of no longer meeting people through work, retired adults may also face challenges that limit their ability to make new friends. In respite care, your loved one gets the opportunity to talk to caregivers and other seniors who know what it’s like to live with memory loss or speech problems. Just sharing a conversation or two throughout the week can have a major impact on a senior’s personal happiness.When they’re looking for high-quality respite care, Edmonton, Alberta, families can rely on Butterfly Dreams Respite Care when their aging loved ones need companionship and socialization or just need minor assistance with the activities of daily living. At Butterfly Dreams Respite Care, we thrive on helping seniors maintain their independence while being cared for in safety and comfort.

Opportunities to Have Fun

Staring at a television isn’t what your loved one has worked so hard all his or her life to do now. Staying busy helps seniors avoid falling into depression or giving up on taking care of their health. Filling your loved one’s days with arts and crafts activities, seasonal celebrations, and chances to play a few board games with friends can preserve his or her cognitive abilities. Plus, your parent will love having something to talk about when he or she gets home.

Someone to Note New Symptoms

Many health conditions progress so slowly they can be fairly advanced before anyone notices. Seniors may also experience medication side effects that make it difficult for them to judge for themselves when it’s time to call a doctor. Building a team of caregivers helps your loved one have more people around who can take action if something seems wrong.

Feeling Respected & Loved

Seniors sometimes feel like they get lost in the shuffle. Having younger people talk down to them or even ignore them as if they aren’t there hurts. Senior caregivers are trained in how to respond to older adults. They’ll ask questions and take the time to really listen to what your loved one has to say. Being treated with compassion and respect helps seniors preserve their dignity, which is vital for their overall wellbeing.If you’re the primary family caregiver for a senior loved one living in Edmonton, respite home services are available if your loved one’s health has become too difficult to manage without professional expertise. At Butterfly Dreams Respite Care, we take measures to help seniors prevent illness and injury by assisting with exercise and mobility, preparing nutritious meals, helping with bathing and other personal hygiene tasks, and much more. To learn about our quality-assured services, give us a call at 780-242-2373 today.